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Trade Implementation and Enforcement Research Network (TIER)

A UACES Research Network (2022-2025)


The TIER network aims to bring together and develop different strands of research exploring the negotiation, implementation and enforcement of trade provisions. It tackles a timely debate on the balance between trade liberalisation and sustainable development and the need for better understanding of processes of implementation and enforcement.

From 2020-2023, UACES Research Networks were supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. 

TIER comprises PhD students, ECRs and senior scholars not only from the United Kingdom and the European Union, but across the globe. The network was conceived by Dr Elitsa Garnizova and is hosted by the New Bulgarian University (NBU) in Sofia, Bulgaria. TIER welcomes scholars working on trade policy and related disciplines and looks forward to engaging at UACES and other events. 

TIER registration form.


Steering Committee 2023:

Dr Jean-Baptiste Velut (Sorbonne Nouvelle University of Paris)

Photo of Dr Jean-Baptiste Velut

Dr Maria Garcia (University of Bath);

Photo of Maria Garcia

Professor Sangeeta Khorana (Bournemouth University)

Photo of Sangeeta Khoran


Aims and objectives:

  1. To bring together different strands of research on negotiation, implementation and enforcement of trade provisions, as well as to make linkages to other areas of EU policy making, from which trade can learn such as foreign policy and development. 
  2. To examine the evolution of the ‘open strategic autonomy’ approach and understand how it relates to processes of politicisation and depoliticisation of trade policy. 
  3. To create linkages between scholars using qualitative and quantitative measurement techniques and engage ECR and PhD students.


Summary of events in 2022:


Upcoming events:

  • RfP for UACES 2023 Themed Track Proposal: “Trade Policy under Pressure? Global challenges and sustainability”, TIER deadline 19.01.2023 COB.