Experts on Europe
Experts on Europe Playlist
In this podcast series, we interviewed several UACES members. Each expert is discussing a topic in their field of expertise - from EU foreign & security policy to equality, economic crisis, Euroscepticism and more.
Listen to the podcasts with longtime UACES members and (former) Committee members Jocelyn Mawdsley, Kathryn Simpson, Heidi Maurer, Simon Usherwood, Clive Church, Helen Drake and Karen Heard-Laureote.
Interview with Jocelyn Mawdsley on EU foreign & security policy, Brexit & PhDs
Interview with Dr Jocelyn Mawdsley (Newcastle University) about her research in European Security Studies, the future of European Studies post-Brexit, and top tips for postgraduate researchers.
Interviewer: Anna Wambach (Newcastle University & UACES Graduate Forum Chair)
Interview with Kathryn Simpson on equality, economic crisis & attitudes to the EU
Dr Kathryn Simpson (Manchester Metropolitan University) discusses the effects of economic inequality on attitudes to the European Union and European integration in Ireland and across member states, and the possible impact Brexit might have.
Interviewer: Dr Toni Haastrup (University of Stirling, previously University of Kent)
Interview with Heidi Maurer on diplomacy, gender & project-based learning
Interview with Dr Heidi Maurer (previously LSE, now Oxford University) on how she got into European Studies, her current research interests, and advice for students and early-career researchers.
Gender Balance Assessment Tool (for academic syllabi):
Interview with Simon Usherwood on Euroscepticism, Brexit & life in academia
Interview with Dr Simon Usherwood (University of Surrey, UACES Treasurer, Deputy Director of The UK in a Changing Europe) about European politics, researching Euroscepticism and Brexit and top tips for postgraduate researchers.
Interview with Clive Church on Switzerland, the EU and Brexit
Interview with Professor Clive Church (Emeritus Professor of European Studies, University of Kent and long-standing UACES member).
We ask Clive about his academic career, his research on Swiss politics and history, how the Switzerland-EU relationship was drawn on during the Brexit referendum and what can be learned from it, if anything, for Britain's future.
Interview with Helen Drake (Outgoing UACES Chair 2018)
After six years as UACES Chair, Professor Helen Drake (Loughborough University London) stepped down from her role during #UACES2018 (
In this interview, Dr Nick Startin (newly-elected UACES Chair, University of Bath) and Adam Steinhouse (long-standing UACES member) talk to Helen about her career as an academic, her work on French and European Politics, and her time as Chair of UACES.
Interview with Karen Heard-Laureote on EU politics, pedagogy & higher education
Dr Mark Field interviews Professor Karen Heard-Laureote about her research on transnational policy networks, active learning pedagogies, higher education and tips for early-career researchers.
Professor Heard-Laureote is Professor of Education and Society and Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration and Director of the University of Portsmouth's Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for the Study of Transnational Europe (CESTE2). Karen is a National Teaching Fellow (NTF), Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) and a Fellow of the Leadership Foundation (FLF). Karen is co-editor of the Journal of Contemporary European Research ( Teaching and Learning section.