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UACES 51st Annual Conference 2021

2nd Virtual Conference

Due to the pandemic and uncertainty about how the situation would develop, the UACES Annual Conference was moved fully online. Nevertheless, we can say it was a success and we were able to connect colleagues and other academics virtually to discuss topics related to European Studies and Europe from wherever they were based. 

Spread over 3 days, we had 467 registrations, 104 panels, 2 plenary sessions plus the JCMS annual review and the usual awards ceremony. Some social activities that were locally possible and several video guides to health and well-being by Coach Warwick Monks balanced out the days of panel discussions for our participants.

Plenary 1: The Future of Europe


The first plenary presentation on 'The Future of Europe' was discussed by Dr Rosa Balfour (Carnegie Europe), Prof Helen Drake (Loughborough University London), Vincent Herr (author, activist, and speaker), Shada Islam (Independent EU Commentator and Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Natolin), Prof Brigid Laffan (European University Institute)  and chaired by UACES patron Paul Adamson (EU-UK Forum).

Plenary 2: The Northern Ireland Protocol

The panel discussed 'The Northern Ireland Protocol's impact on the Island of Ireland and why it’s important for EU scholars'. It was chaired by UACES Secretary Dr Kathryn Simpson (Manchester Metropolitan University) and speakers included Claire Hanna (MP), Dr Mary Murphy (University College Cork), Prof David Phinnemore (Queen's University Belfast), and Graduate Forum JCER Liaison Officer Dr Lisa Claire Whitten (Queen's University Belfast).

JCMS Annual Review Lecture

The lecture was held by Rector Federica Mogherini (College of Europe), Professor Roberta Guerrina (University of Bristol) and Dr Theofanis Exadaktylos (University of Surrey).

Awards Ceremony: Best Book, Best PhD Thesis, JCMS Best Article and Lifetime Achievement Awards

UACES Chair Dr Nicholas Startin presents the Best Book (2020 and 2021), Best PhD (2020 and 2021), JCMS Best Article andLifetime Achievement Awards (2021) at this year's UACES Annual Conference.