Under the leadership of its Chairman, Mr. George M. Leptos, the strategic goal and vision of the late founder of Neapolis University Mr. Michalakis G. Leptos, is to develop a human-centred educational organization of international quality standards, of heightened social responsibility and of excellent academic practices. NUP aims to contribute: to social cohesion and evolution; to the progression of science via processes of interactive and innovative learning pedagogies and the development of research; and the development of high-level new scientists and professionals of contemporary fields of knowledge.
Through the new and updated Study Programmes of Neapolis University Pafos, the program curricula of NUP promote the appreciation of cutting-edge knowledge and research, and create greater potential and opportunities in the new industries. NUP Degrees offer students relevant knowledge and the appropriate skills and competencies for their smooth and successful integration in cutting-edge jobs of 4th IR and 21th century.